Todd's Story
Growing up in Nebraska, Todd’s love of dogs came naturally at an early age, as his parent’s were nationally known for their Golden Retriever blood line. His first golden retriever, Nugget, had to endure playing police K9 with the neighborhood kids. From this, Todd’s parents suggested he combine his passion for law enforcement and dogs and meld them together into the dream of becoming a police K9 handler.
Todd started his law enforcement career in 2001 with a local police department and had an opportunity early on to become the first dual purpose K9 handler. While working his first Police Service Dog, PSD Jax, they were one of the first Colorado K9 Teams to receive a SWAT Dog certification.
Todd and PSD Legion
Later advancing his training Todd received his Tactical Deployment Dog Instructor Certification. He was assigned to the police department’s Emergency Response Team (SWAT) as an entry and SWAT dog handler for 9 years.
Todd continued his K9 career for 18 years, after PSD Jax retired, he then worked with PSD Legion and eventually PSD Ronin. Todd worked with PSD Ronin for five years, but sadly in February 2020, he passed away suddenly while on duty. Because of the hurt from this loss, Todd promised himself he would not seek out another K9 and he was able to lead other projects and eventually transfer to the Special Operations Division.
In late 2020, it was divine intervention when Todd received a call from a local dog breeder explaining the arrival of the only surviving Dutch Shepard puppy in the litter. Todd knew his former PSD Ronin was making his way back into his life by connecting him to this new puppy (he named Havok). He opened his heart and his home to this new puppy hoping to heal the pain of losing his partner. While training and healing with Havok his passion continued and led him to continue working dogs, hence the birth of EVO K9 Group Dog Training.
Todd is well recognized in his community for educating and sharing his love of police service dogs, and has a become a natural teacher through his years of experience. He maintains his national certification as an officiating judge allowing him to certify Police Service Dogs nationally for patrol apprehension and detection (including narcotics and explosives).
Through the department he has gathered certifications in tactical casualty care and firearms. His other achievements include the Lifesaving Award, Meritorious unit Award, Merit Award, Superior tactics, and the Metal of Valor.
Todd continues to work his full time job as a police officer and on his days off his hobby of training dogs seems to be soaring in popularity. A true blessing and he is very grateful.