Client Experiences
EVO K9 group is the absolute best dog training around!! When I was searching for my Rottweiler puppy, I knew I was going to need to find just the right trainer that can help me have the confidence and control I needed to have for the big strong beast that he was going to become!
From day one I was very impressed on how Todd handled our pup Zander and was excited about the things I was going to learn from him! Zander absolutely loved him and was excited to see him every time we had a session. He responded very well to him and picked up things very quickly.
One of the most important things I wanted to get out of our training is to have the confidence to be able to take him places whether it be hiking, restaurants or stores. The encouragement and tips that Todd provided us with have helped tremendously and it truly shows on how many compliments we get when we are out in public!
A year later we are still checking in once in a while and learning new things every time! I would highly recommend Todd and his training program especially for new puppies, as the sooner you train them the better!

~ Kris B.
We first heard about Todd and EvoK9 when we were walking our then 10 week old Mal/Dutchie on Mainstreet in Parker. A lady with a grown version of our pup was walking past with her baby in a stroller and her dog was wildly out of control. It was scary. Soon after another woman approached us and said “if you don’t want to end up in that poor lady’s situation you should call the guy with EvoK9. He’s the best!”
We contacted Todd later that week to set up a consultation and haven’t looked back. Our “Ada” is now a year old and she is a joy. We are able to take her everywhere and enjoy nothing less than great behavior. Todd told us at the initial meeting that he would provide the direction but it was up to us to put in the work. He’s provided the direction, insight, passion, understanding, and drive for us that helped us truly be able to integrate Ada into our lives. We refer him out constantly as people are always impressed with how well our dog does.
Todd has a passion and understanding for dogs and their relationship with their owners that is invaluable. We plan to stick with him as long as it takes to keep Ada, and ourselves, tuned up and tuned in to each other. He’s been great to work with (and Ada loves him as well).
~ Daren and Kristina
I highly recommend Todd and EvoK9 for any level of dog training. I started with EvoK9 when my dog Delta was 6 months old. With Todd’s experience, he was able to teach Delta and more importantly me on how to bring the best out of Delta. Every session I am learning new skills that I am able to use to continue the training at my home between sessions. I have used many other trainers for my GSD’s and none have compared to the training that I continue to receive through EvoK9.
The sessions are always upbeat and energetic, Delta and I look forward to them every week. There are specific exercises every session, Todd makes sure to explain the exercise and the theory behind it, shows you how to do it and then lets you and your dog work together. If your dog is being difficult or uninterested during training, Todd has the knowledge and skillset to modify the training to meet you and your dogs needs.
EvoK9 was instrumental in laying the proper foundation in me and Delta. For the first time I have a dog that I can take anywhere I want and not be nervous he will misbehave or cause any issues. I am continuing the training past the initial obedience sessions and now progressing to scent detection. Without Todd and his passion for training dogs and handlers there is not a chance I would have the relationship that I have with Delta.

~ Dan

Meet Todd.
Todd is well recognized in his community for educating and sharing his love of police service dogs, and has become a natural teacher through his 18 years of experience working with three of his own, PSD Jax, PSD Legion and PSD Ronin. He maintains his national certification as an officiating judge allowing him to certify Police Service Dogs nationally for patrol apprehension and detection (including narcotics and explosives).
His journey has led him to where he is today, and his story now includes Havok.
Todd continues to work his full time job as a police officer and on his days off you'll find him enjoying his hobby of training dogs.
Todd with Havok
"A confident dog is an obedient dog."
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